Sunday, September 21, 2008

Im an Old Lady..

I go to the craft store at least once a week....I go to the fabric store at least once a week...I spend any extra money I have on: yarn, needles, fabric, etc..Not only do I go to bed by 10pm everynight, but I usually spend my last hour knitting hats! I AM AN OLD LADY! The thing that kills me about all of this, is that I always said I would never become domestic. I would vow to mom that I would Never cook! Never sew! etc. etc. Look at me, such a traitor to my own beliefs! Why did I find out NOW that I love these things? Its karma, I'm telling you. Anyway~ as most of you know (and some of you share) I have a need to have a creative outlet...So I am currently making hats with Courtney, who will be selling them in UT. And I am continuing to dable with headbands 'n such. Anyway, this is your littlest sister being an old 22yr old granny!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Remodel Project At Mom's Place

For those of you who didn't get to see what the latest project was at mom's house, here are a few pics of what happened. Enjoy!